Yule 2012: Pre-Game Show

Today is the big ritual! We set up the table yesterday, which was an all-day undertaking. Ryan did an AMAZING job, everybody pitched in and created something that is going to be so magical tonight!


For our Yule celebration, and as ADF dedicants, we decided our sacred tree should be Yggdrasil. Originally, we were going to hang a small Odin/Wotan figure on the tree, but time constraints required a bit of flexibility. I bought a couple of thrift store Father Christmases and cannibalized them for parts. Here is my Odin/Wotan (sans eye patch, I need the right material for that):


The mess of crap on his hat looks better in person. Note the addition of the “ashen faggot” on his back. The gays and I are deeply amused by the name of that particular tradition.

Stick a Fork in Me…

Thanksgiving kicked my ass. We drove for 2 1/2 hours to see my family. We caught the 10am ferry heading out and the 11pm ferry coming home. Having MS means shit like that leaves you in a heap of wasted flesh for days afterwards. In addition, I have a new annotated copy of the Poetic Eddas that I am wallowing in like a cat in nip, as well as reading Dostoevsky’s “Notes from Underground” on the recommendation of my German instructor (I do adore that man) and practicing 6 German Christmas songs for Winterfest at the college. AND we are planning our big Yule/Midvinter feast right now, so I have been very busy over the last few days. I have several posts in the barrel, not quite ready to be fired off yet, if I can pull my head out of a book or away from Skyrim long enough to polish them up. Fear not, Gentle Reader, I will return shortly!

Northern Heim, Southern Clime

On Maenads and Valkyries

Introspective Maenad

Thoughts of an Unlikely Dionysian

Pixiecraft: Adventures of Magick and Devotion

The Life of a Practicing Pagan and Traditional Witch

Leaf And Twig

Where observation and imagination meet nature in poetry.

The House of Vines

where words grow like leaves

The Flaming Thyrsos

Memoirs of a Hekatean Wino

Syncretic Mystic

applications open for a new tagline

Eternal Bacchus

Dionysos from the end of antiquity to the present


polytheist extractions

Black Witch

Life from a Black Pagan's Perspective

Aspis of Ares

A Devotional Exploration of Ares, the God of War

4 of Wands

A celebration of me and my interests. Unapologetically.

Down the Withywindle

All paths lead that way, down to Withywindle.

Ozark Pagan Mamma

A Journey of Evolving Folk Traditions


learning, growing, reaching, being :-)

Little Druid on the Prairie

Polytheist Musings from the Texas Blackland Prairie

The Druid's Cosmos

An ADF Druid's trials, tribulations, musings, and victories

A Forest Door

Spirit-Work & Devotional Polytheism

The Wild Hunt

On Maenads and Valkyries

Pagan Reveries

"Everything is full of gods." - Thales